
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Child Vaccine Article

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Ivermectin article

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Monday, October 11, 2021


It is, ironically, antiscience to ever declare that science is settled. Since man is not omniscient, the future will forever remain unknown, and more data can always falsify current scientific laws.

Ivermectin Protocol

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Infant Deaths

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Dr Mercola

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Chinese regime owns 200 sq miles of Texas

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Facts about Brett Sutton

 The following is from Bruce on Telegram

SOME FUN FACTS ABOUT BRETT SUTTON.                   If this is fact,

How come Vic are dictating to Australia?

On 'Professor' Sutton, Chief Medical Officer in Victoria.

Brett Sutton does not have a PhD!

For an academic or clinician with 'an international reputation' in his field, Prof. Sutton has a relatively poor and noncompetitive track record in academic circles.

For example, in the last 5 years, he has been the first author on only 3 research papers (one of each in the fields of Climate Change, Palliative Care and Gonorrhea).

It is interesting that in March 2020, just prior to lock down number 1, Brett Sutton was handed an Adjunct Clinical Professor appointment with the Dept. of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine by the Vice Chancellor of Monash University, a Level E appointment that can only be endorsed by the Vice Chancellor.

Level E is the highest level that can be obtained, typically reserved for appointees who have 'established an international reputation' in that area. 

Evidently, Brett Sutton met eligibility criteria for a Level E appointment, without writing more than 1 research paper within the same field of research. 

His profile is suspiciously scarce of any details (i.e. empty).

This smells worse than fish left out of the fridge for a week.

Did I mention, Jane Halton is his sister-in-law, married to Brett Suttons brother Trevor who is Head of Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Jane Sutton attended Event 201, and works for Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab (founder of The World Economic Forum and Covid 19 The Great Reset fame)

Jane Halton is key advisor to Scott Morrison on all things covid..including the va*&ines, and she  sits on or Chairs a myriad of boards in Australia, all in key areas of our lives.

Joining the dots yet??

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Lost Boys by Cindy McGarvie

Some notes and extracts from the book Lost Boys Bring them home by Cindy McGarvie National Director of Youth for Christ Australia. 

Page 5 Every Christian man, woman and child needs to be trained in spiritual warfare and accustomed to it, or else, like Israel then and now,  we face being taken out by our enemy. 

These are the nation's the Lord left to test all those Israelites who had not experienced any of the wars in Canaan (he did this only to teach warfare to the descendants of the Israelites who had not had previous battle experience).   - Judges 3:1-2 NIV (emphasis added)

Page 7 When people live in luxury, it causes them to become weak, delicate and effeminate. 
Hard times create strong men. 
Strong men create good times. 
Good times create weak men. 
And, weak men create hard times. 

Page 11-13 She gives a number of examples of the importance of "centre of gravity" in warfare then says:
If a clandestine enemy wanted to attack a nation of people scattered throughout the world (Christians) to cripple them spiritually and prevent their flourishing, what would be the centre of gravity to target heavily? I believe it would be the men, particularly the young, vibrant, fighting aged men. 

Page 14-22  Goes on to say plenty about: 
                    * The shocking suicide crisis among young men
                    * Fatherlessness
                    * Toxic Feminism

Page 20 a quote from Mallory Millet sister of Kate Millet. Time magazine called Kate " the Karl Marx of the Women's Movement".
In 1969 Mallory joined Kate's 'consciousness-raising-group', the chairperson would open the meetings:
“Why are we here today?” she asked.
“To make revolution,” they answered.
“What kind of revolution?” she replied.
“The Cultural Revolution,” they chanted.
“And how do we make Cultural Revolution?” she demanded.
“By destroying the American family!” they answered.
“How do we destroy the family?” she came back.
“By destroying the American Patriarch,” they cried exuberantly.
“And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?” she replied.
“By taking away his power!”
“How do we do that?”
“By destroying monogamy!” they shouted.
“How can we destroy monogamy?”
“By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!” they resounded.

Page 21 One of the teachings of this radical ideology was that marriage is a form of slavery and forced prostitution and must be destroyed. 

 The Biden 2020 election miracle

Censorship by Dr Mercola

 Dr Mercola article on Censorship

Thursday, April 1, 2021

The Truth about Daniel Andrews by Martyn Iles 

Three things that will end the west by Martyn Iles

 Three things that will end the West in my lifetime... (But for the mercy of God)...


The simmering resentment created by the conviction that I am oppressed, and society is forever against me. A divisive, envious, resentful cancer that sets woman against man, black against white, gay against straight, etc, and offers no possibility of reconciliation. 

A house divided cannot stand. A people set against their own society will not retain a peaceful attitude to it.


Total invasion of every sphere - family, faith, business, etc - in the name of promoting safety and wellbeing. 

For example: 

The confiscation of gender dysphoric children for their 'safety.' (It's happening).

Conversion therapy laws banning Christian views on LGBTQ to 'prevent harm.' (Also happening).

'Hate speech' laws to coerce and control words for the same reason. (Been happening for a while).

Cancel culture, to ruin the livelihoods and reputations of all who 'harm' others in their views, actions, or speech. (Getting worse).

Excessive COVID-19 restrictions in a 'give us your rights in exchange for your safety' type bargains... (That ship has sailed).

Stated objective: wellbeing. Means: whatever it takes. Result: totalitarianism by a means other than communism.

**(3) SELF-LOVE**

The belief that what proceeds from the heart and the self is good.; that it ought to shape my goals in life, my daily preoccupations, and my sense of identity. The justification for moral decadence.

External criticism is dismissed as "judging" and "hating." Truth which challenges me is rejected.

It's the belief that what's "right for me" is right, because I am lovable, good, worthy, etc. 

It's the belief that I can define morality - ie God is the sort of person I'd like Him to be, my sexuality is whatever my passions decide it is, my gender is whatever I want to make it, and my life is designed by me according to my wants and my objectives.

It's the belief that makes me think of myself in such a way that I am immunised against God's command that I repent of my sinful ways and submit my whole being to His Lordship.

The idolatry of the self is the ultimate idolatry (Rom 1:25).


Identity politics says no to unity and shared identity.

Therapeutic totalitarianism says no to freedom.

Self-love says no to God.

Henry Reed an amazing man

Ivermectin Works

WHO data Ivermectin reduces covid mortality by 81% also WHO we still don't recommend it